Friday, November 10, 2006

Shift of Power….

Well now that the democrats control both the house and the senate I am sure we can expect some major changes. For the time being I won’t make too much of an effort to discuss the changes as there are a billion other people far better at writing about the political fallout and changes that will be coming.

Still….I have to think that the republicans had to know this was coming. Let’s face it…as much as the democrats alienate their own supporters with their (sometimes) radical ideas, the republicans alienate their supporters by ignoring their feelings. The republicans have had too many problems with the war in Iraq (not that I am against it, but it’s turned into another Vietnam), controlling the media, and addressing the public’s feelings. I think that is what lost them the house and the senate.

A friend of mine email blasted “Christmas Came Early” and linked articles on the republican’s fall from power. I don’t necessarily agree with that, but it’s what the country voted on and now we’ll get to see what happens.

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