Friday, December 15, 2006

Politically Out Of It and Disconnected

Every since the dems took over everything I haven't paid much attention to exactly what has been happening. I figure part of it is the "transitional phase" and more to the point is that I haven't really watched any TV (news), or read any newspapers.

For the most part, people keep asking me what I think about this or that (even if it is not related to politics) and i just don't have a clue. I'm not sure if it's complete apathy or because of everything else I have been doing. Maybe a bit of both.

About the only thing I have heard on the radio is that we are getting real serious about pulling out of Iraq. I have mixed feelings about it. I don't think a complete withdrawal is going to do anything except incite the Muslim's to try harder.

We now have some serious socialists in major positions of political power. It's amazing to me that anyone who cherishes living in the USA would ever vote these people into any office. My father thinks that some of the younger dems that are not socialists will help keep them at bay. I guess time will tell.

I think we are on the verge of a civil war and another global war. Things are really heating up on all levels. The United States cannot stand to be internally at war and divided for much longer before something will happen. If you don't think there is an internal struggle in the U.S. you should really open your eyes. There is an entire group of people that hate the U.S. and they are living right here and working their political agendas.

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