Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Many Faces of bRad

When I was younger (and not that I am old, now!) I had really long hair that pretty much covered up my face. I also wore very dark tinted glasses (almost to the point of being sunglasses). So you basically couldn't see my face very well. If I was growing a beard at the time you could pretty much forget it.

I quickly discovered two things:
1 - if I didn't want you to be able to read me I could effectively go "stone face" and cut off about 40% of the communication factor.

2 - if I wanted you to read my facial expressions I had to exaggerate them!

so there were pros and cons on both sides of the fence. I also tend to use my hands a lot when I talk. Last night, during some beverages, I was called out a number of times because of my animations. While I don't want to post a bunch of facial expressions here we did make fun of some of my hand animations.

Here is me making a point. Note the slightly out turned pinky to emphasize the point. This has the same effect as me making sure that you know what I say is the word and yuo should listen to nobody else.

This is a WTF? It could also mean that I am open to listening to you.

Either that, or hand me the's my turn!

I think we all know what this means.....

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