Sunday, August 13, 2006

An Atrocity and a Travesty

One of my neighbors here in TX has a son that is a Marine. This guy has already completed two tours of duty in Iraq and is planning on going back for a third. He even fought in the battle of Felujiah and lost most of his unit and some good friends. Why? Because he has been there and is proud of what we are trying to do. Contrary to what the press would have you believe there are a lot of people over there that appreciate what we are trying to do.

I recently learned that he is currently in CA awaiting re-deployment. He has eight other guys that are under him and were still over in Iraq. Apparently, and what the press will not tell you, is that our soldiers are no longer allowed to engage the enemy at will if they are being fired upon. That's right, now the Muslim's can fire upon us and we have been ordered to NOT fire back without permission. Then, it apparently comes down to the weapons being used. If the enemy is using a pistol, our Marines are not allowed to utilize their M1 Abrams, 50-cal, or M4's to fire back. They also have to use a pistol or similar type weapon. WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? A bullet is a bullet. They ALL are capable of killing.

Now it gets worse. His unit was under fire from a sniper and had taken cover. They radioed in and requested permission to fire back and were given authorization from the command unit. They took out the sniper (I do not know how they took him out). They are now in the U.S. in a military jail awaiting a courtmarshal trial with a possible sentence of life in prison or death for taking out the sniper. They also had to pay for their flight back to the U.S. out of their own pocket and apparently are not being provided an attorney by the JAG unit.

How could we do this to our own people? We send them over there to fight for us and our country and then tell them they can't fight back. Then when they fight back we hang them out in the wind on their own with no support from their own country? I am appalled and outraged that this is taking place.

My opinion is that this is due to the political machine of the liberal democratic party that hates America and wants to destroy it. Our soldiers who are in Iraq fighting for what us and their own lives deserve better than this.

I am going to try to find out more information, such as the unit number, date and members involved. Once I have those details, I will re-post the information. I strongly urge you to take this information and write your governors, senators, and president. I would also urge you to let others know what is going on because we are not going to see it on the news or read about it in the paper with our liberal America-hating press.

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