Monday, May 04, 2009

Not Posting Much Lately

I haven’t been writing much lately. Oh…I’ve been here. I’ve had time. I just haven’t been motivated. I think the reason I haven’t been motivated is because I really don’t want to make this a political blog but with all of the crap the Obama administration is pulling it’s hard not to write about it all the time. I just don’t want to do it. I get sick of it. For example, did you know Obama tried to sneak a bill in that would force business owners that have more than three employees to unionize? How crazy is that?

But I got out and rode a bit this weekend. Last weekend the weather report called for rain and it never rained. I never rode because it was supposed to rain. This weekend it called for rain in the evening, but not during the day. I double-checked the radar and there was nothing on it and the reports were still calling for evening storms.

We took off and got out a good ways and got caught in the storms. So much for the weather report. I had my mesh jacket on and that doesn’t do anything to keep water off of you so I was soaked pretty much instantaneously. It was also cold. Great. And then it really started to come down and it got a little sketchy on the road. We had to slow way down and take it easy. About ½-way back, I was so soaked that the water finally trickled down into my jeans and I could feel my balls getting wet. Now I had wet balls. Ick. Nothing is worse than cold, wet balls while riding a bike.

But we made it back without any incidents and it’s a good thing we did because we were right ahead of the big storm cells. When they hit it got back. Heavy rain, hail, pretty much everything except a tornado, and there may have been one of those.

We sat out in the storms and had a bug boil that evening. Fortunately, my friend had large covered patios so nobody got too soaked....

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