Sunday, June 04, 2006

Hi There!! My Feet are Green!

While that doesn't quite have the same impact as being in an elevator with a complete stranger and turning to them with a big grin on your face an announcing that you have on new socks, it probably got your attention!

Yes, my feet are green. I mowed the yard this morning with sandals on and the chlorophyll turned my toes and the bottoms of my feet green. I was industrious this morning. Yesterday I was at Home Depot grabbing a small item and there were people loading up their vehicles with all manners of tools, lumber, yard stuff, etc. I suddenly realized how much I miss working on my own house. Of course I complained about mowing the yard from time to time and all that, but now I miss not having those little things to fill my day up.

So this morning I got up and stained the back deck. Then I mowed and edged the yard (I don't think it has ever been edged). Now I feel better at least.

What to do with the rest of the day? I feel a big nap coming on....


Anonymous said...

Green Feet? Eww lol anytime you are feeling homesick for yard work, feel free to come to denver, mine is never ending! No shirt required!

-bRad said...

well right now I don't think my fat ass would look very good without a shirt on. :-(

Anonymous said...

LOL I beg to differ, and who's talking about your ass anyhow, the ad wasn't No Pants required! And you say people who dress their feet are crazy?

Miss Carnivorous said...

Let us be the judge ofthat Brad. I like a guy with a little beer belly and I bet Diane doesn't mind one either!

-bRad said...

well I don't like it. I have been way too lethargic lately. Need to drop a few pounds and get back into the gym.

Montana Diva said...

Ladies, can't help myself. Since I get to see the man every so often, I will tell you he is in decent shape and he should be out mowing the lawn without his shirt so the women can sit on the porch, drink cocktails and watch the scenery. BTW, his ass is in pretty good shape too.

-bRad said...

As much as I appreciate the compliment, I still disagree. And, in this case, it's me that has to be happy with myself. ;-)