Wednesday, May 24, 2006

What is it with Target and Pregnant Women?

Even though my family, friends, house and toys are all in Texas I have effectively been living in Montana for about a year and a half. Now, Montana is not exactly known for being a diverse state when it comes to race. If I remember correctly, the last census here pegged Caucasians (read that as whites, crackers, or white-bread folk) at 96+ % for the entire state!! And while we can argue all day long about why that is, the bottom line is that you just don't see a lot of people of other ethnicity around here.

Why the background? Because white people aren't procreating (i.e. read this as breeding) at the same rates as minorities are. Statistically speaking, our population increase in the U.S. is predominantly due to two things:
1 - illegal immigration into the U.S. (and it's not just Mexicans)
2 - mass breeding of minorities.

So that means that you have a very small percentage of crackers (i.e. white folk) out there having kids compared to other ethnicities. Now, take all that and figure I am in a state that has roughly 1 million people in it (and not even that at the time of the census). Then I am at Target buying an Aerobie and I am being checked out by another pregnant cashier. I then started to think of the last time I checked out at Target and the girl wasn't pregnant and I couldn't remember. So I start looking around. Three of the five girls that I can see at the front are pregnant. To me, that's an astounding number of pregnant women in one place, at one retail chain, in a low population area and they were all white.

Speculation? Best Guess? I just thought it was odd.....
and by the way, does anyone else not see the irony in this book?

So now it's time to sit back, relax after a day of work and enjoy a beverage. For those of you who don't know me, a beverage is something with alcohol in it....anything else is just a drink. If you are still confused, go watch The Big Lebowski and come back.


Miss Carnivorous said...

Here in the San Francisco bay area, all you see at at Target are Latina hotties, I am talking both sexes, because the guys are cute too. Of course a goodly percentage of the Latina woman are pregnant too and dragging a few kids behind them. Last time I went to Target the kids were huffing deodorant from the cans in the deodorant aisle, while their moms looked for bargain brands.

-bRad said...

My friend said he was laughing when he read that, and then went right down to Target to investigate. Sure enough, he said most of the cashiers were pregnant women. This is back in TX. Go figure!

Miss Carnivorous said...

Well at least somebody's getting some!!

-bRad said...

Yeah, well it isn't me....I can tell you that!

Miss Carnivorous said...

Perhaps you should hit on a Target cashier, Brad, I've heard they put out!

-bRad said...

rumor has it....but I don't think that is something I would be into.