Friday, May 26, 2006

Redneck Wins Lotto!!

Just kidding.....but I couldn't resist. It reminds me of another site that is just plain wrong. Go check this out: MyTrailerPark.

Here in the great northern city of Bozeman, MT the construction is completely out of control. They are building homes and hotels to accommodate all of the people building homes and hotels. Seriously. It's all about real estate. You are either buying it, selling it, financing it, designing it, or building it. That's the market here. Everything is under construction. My question is, where are the noise ordinances?????

I am NOT an early morning person. I never have been, and probably never will be. I like to wake up at the crack of 10:00. Early to me is anything before 9:00am. I will never understand you crazy people that enjoy getting up before 7:00am. I have a few friends that get up between 4:00am and 5:00am all the time. Are you high? They then tell me how there wasn't anything to do so they did this or that. No shit? You mean the rest of the world wasn't chugging along at 4:43am on a Tuesday morning?

Sorry, I digress. Where I was going with all this is that they freaking have the hammers going as early as 7:00am!!!! I AM TRYING TO FREAKING SLEEP UNTIL THE LAST POSSIBLE MINUTE BEFORE I HAVE TO GO TO WORK!! CUT THAT SHIT OUT! And whatever happened to air hammers? A quiet little wifffft! and it's all over. It just pisses me off.

Morons and Motorcycles Don't Mix

And here we have another fine example of what not to wear whilst riding a bike. I'm sure he didn't mean to fall off the bike. We never do. That doesn't stop people, though. C'mon, let's hear all those people that say wearing the right gear doesn't help!!! I love those arguments.

Helmets don't do anything? Let me hit you over the head with a ball-ping hammer. Leathers are overrated? Let's have you slide across the road through gravel at 100+ mph. One of my personal favorites: the cruiser riders that wear chaps that leave their ass of their jeans exposed and think they are protected. And just what do you think you are sliding on when the bike goes down? BTW - I am all about your rights to not be forced to wear anything you don't want to. Just don't try to tell me that it doesn't do any good.

I Miss My Friends
Here is a pic of some of my friends back home. Yeah, it's not the greatest picture in the world, but you can clearly see that they are having a great time. The guy in the middle is GrassHopper or just Hopper for short. The guy on the right is Ron (see beer post), and the guy on the left is Mike, who is really a friend of Hopper's.

A little history. Ron and I have been traveling all over the place for years. I take him to the airport and pick him up, and he does the same for me if he's in town. Traditionaly, I am not allowed to go home after being picked up from the airport. It doesn't matter if I get in at 11:00pm or 2:30pm. I do not get to go home until the next day. The last time they picked me up it was a 13 hour binge across the metroplex. If I tell Ron to get me home early because I am tired he gets me in about 3:00am. Yeah, I guess that counts as early. And people wonder why I am wiped out.
Here is a pic of Hopper jamming at a bar. He is playing harmonica (harp). I really miss that. I play guitar, or rather I used to play guitar. I still pick from time to time, but not like I used to. We used to jam all the time. At least he is still out there doing his thing.
And yes....he's completely, totally, insane.
Memorial Day
Last but not least, I am heading to Denver this weekend for Memorial Day. I am heading down with a friend of mine that doesn't want to make the 10-hour drive alone. I can't blame her, and I've got nothing better to do around here. The weather here is supposed to be kind of crummy. Denver should be nice. I've got a couple of friends there, too.
Please, while you are stuffing your face with hot dogs and sucking down a cold one, take a moment to honor, respect, and think about all of the men and women that have sacrificed their lives so you can deep-fry your twinkies and have freedom of speech and religion.


Miss Carnivorous said...

Oh my gluteus maximus!

-bRad said...

yes! that would be quite painfull, eh?