Monday, November 03, 2008

Chick Auctions off Virginity

Today I was in the gym and on one of the TV’s the Trya Banks Show was on (whatever it’s called). I couldn’t hear what was going on, but I could read the closed-caption prompt and there was a chick on that is auctioning off her virginity to the highest bidder.

Wait…I take that back. After reading some articles on this she says it’s not just about the highest bidder, but she also wants someone that is intelligent and good looking. Yeah, um…sure. As long as they have the million dollars she is hoping to get out of this. You heard right, she hopes to get one million out of it.

Her motivation? She’s a whor…er….she wants the money to pay for her master’s degree. At least that is what she says.

Is anyone surprised by this? I’m not. Only that it’s making big waves in the blogosphere and the media. I don’t personally care if she auctions herself off or not, but making this out to be anything other than prostitution is ridiculous, and if that’s her gig then more power to her. If I was a hot chick and I could get things in life because of it, I’d use it to my advantage, too!

Now she has taken a lie detector test, and is willing to submit to a gynecological exam. Still, I’d be leery of any girl that is supposedly a “virgin” and is willing to plook some total stranger for cash. Ever hear of the chicks that do everything under the sun, including anal sex, but don’t have vaginal sex and claim they are “virgins?”

Maybe this guy will be the highest bidder. It certainly looks like he has enough cash with that huge-ass gold chain and cross around his neck. That had to cost some bucks, and clearly he has morals. He’s for Jesus!

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