Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Is He Black?

I was having a chat with my friend the other night. She has a Suzuki Hyabusa and has been riding it for about a year, now. She really enjoys the bike and I was telling her that I was looking forward to the new ones that are coming out.

She told me there was a guy at work that asked her for some help picking one out and learning to ride it. So here we have a first time rider that wants to get a bike that weighs in at about 450-lbs and lays down over 190+ bhp to the rear wheel. This is an accident waiting to happen. I asked her if she directed him to take the MSF (motorcycle safety foundation course) and get into a used 600cc bike to start with.

This guy wasn’t interested. He wanted to get a new ‘Busa, extended the swing-arm, drop (lower) the bike, custom paint it and chrome it all out. He does not, however, want to raced it.

So I asked if he is black. She asked does it matter? And I said, not really, but typically only a black guy would take a bike like that and sink a ton of money into it to customize it in such a manner and never ride it or use it for what it was made for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unless your name was Bling!