Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Bling's Request...

I was talking to Bling on the phone and he was asking when I was going to post some more stuff on the blog. He indicated that he needed ammunition so that he'd have something to dog me about.

Well, to be honest I just haven't felt much like writing lately. I had a long work week (even though it was a holiday week). I spent a lot of time in an airplane, in an airport, in a classroom, and getting stuff done for work. Many times that leaves me not wanting to do anything on the computer, much less take the time to write on the blog.

But a few notes:

when you have gas on an airplane, please go use the restroom and take care of it. I had to sit next to, or near someone, that had a terrible problem. They were the silent deadly ones. Every few minutes I almost gagged from the stench. I wanted to stand up and issue a general request to go do something about it.

The anniversary of 9/11..... I thought about it multiple times throughout the day. I just hope everyone else thought about it, too. I have a previous post that is a good reminder of what happened, just in case you have forgotten.

As for going home? I pretty much give up on guessing at a time-frame. I have some new information that leads me to believe that there is no good estimate of when I will able to go home. I just know I am going to be upset if they send me home right before ski season and I don't get any runs in.

So there you go, Bling. Have fun....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, man. That's barely useful. I mean, you don't have anything to say about what going on lately, like Hillary's landslide win, the lowest SAT scores in 30 years, the housing market sinking like a tech company that just went IPO, or Google's for-profit but not-for profit charity effort? What about Universal Studios trying to sue YouTube at the same time CBS wants to buy it? I'll tell ya what, I'll give ya an easy one: Anna Nicole Smith suddenly forgets what happened in the hospital room where her son died under suspicious circumstance. whaddayatinkothat?

Get on it. Winners don't whine.
