Monday, September 24, 2007

Sweet Factory!

In this case literally! I was just on a job doing a wireless site survey for a company that I cannot acknowledge here. They wouldn’t let us take any pics out that even showed any equipment or the facilities. Let’s just say that they make ice cream and other cold treats in mass quantity!

I am not much of an ice-cream fan (I don’t like cold things on my teeth, and I don’t have a big sweet tooth), but this place was really neat. They produce about five or six major items or “lines” in the factory. I really enjoyed watching how all this stuff is made up close and personal. We were on the factory floor, hence the garb I am wearing such as the booties, smock, beard net, hair net, safety glasses and hard-hat. I think it would be pretty neat to be in engineering and design systems like they use there.

Most of the areas we worked in were at about 30 ~ 40 degrees. We only had to work in two areas that were kept at roughly 0-degrees. Let me tell you, when you are on a lift approximately 30 feet up in the air and the chillers are blowing directly on you that is some cold ass air!!! My co-worker was taking readings and I was just thinking “hurry up…hurry up….” As my beard net froze to my face and clothes because of the water vapor in my breath,

This was one of the neatest places I have seen in a long time and they kept things very clean! I was impressed with the whole process and how big the facilities were. A few quick observations:

Pallets (and I mean pallets) of 50-lb bags of sugar

A whole room called “the chocolate room”

50-gallon drums of peanuts on pallets.

Corn syrup stored in vats that were about 10 feet in diameter and went up two stories!

If you walked four times around the plant it was the equivalent of doing a 10k!!

They take delivery of milk each day by NINE semi’s trailers!!! That’s approximately 47,551 gallons of milk each day and it takes approximately 9,510 cows to produce that much milk!

And one of their production lines could produce up to 500 “items” per-hour!

You people eat way too much sweet treats! No wonder we are all a bunch of fat bastards!

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