Saturday, October 21, 2006

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Ever Eat A Burnt Weenie Sandwich?

I said I was going to try harder to post up on here, but as per usual work got in the way. It’s not always a time issue so much as a timing issue. Sometimes, when I am done with work the last thing I wan to do is be on the computer writing and /or trying to be creative. I’m mentally spent at that point and just want to veg out and do something that does not tax me mentally.

The last week hasn’t been particularly stressful at work and that is good. We’ve been getting some good snow showers and the mountains are starting to fill in nicely. I’m looking forward to boarding once again. I even rented a very cool snowboard film called First Descent that is about the history of the sport and also about hitting some extreme runs up in Alaska that may have never been touched before.

I even presented a potential vacation schedule for the upcoming holidays that I may get. My boss said he would see what he could do, but they aren’t going to like it. I usually don’t take issue with my boss too often, it’s everyone else….and I realize that most of what he gives me is coming from up above.

I have had some very interesting social conversations in the last couple of weeks. One of them included a girl at the bar who said she’d rather be bent up like a pretzel into a vertical 69 position, but that she wouldn’t have sex with guys. I guess, like Bill Clinton, it depends on where you draw the line.

My friend threw a nice party for everyone last night. The premise of which was to wear some cool slippers, have some cocktails, and play a game or two. Well some of us wore slippers, everyone had cocktails, and no games were ever played. Unless you count some of the mental sparring that went back and forth.

I was told during the course of the evening that I didn’t like women. Let me make it clear, I love women. Like most men, though, I just don’t always understand them. I’m not willing to play games and I expect people to say what they mean. The anger that one might get from me has a lot more to do with being jealous of the guys that treat women like shit and have them, and the guys that treat women good but don’t. Why do women do this and then complain about it?

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