Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hoper is Gone!

The last few weeks have been a bit stressful. My friend, Hopper, decided to join the Army. He’s a crazy bastard anyway, but now I know he’s completely freaking nuts. He sold off a lot of his stuff, put some into storage, and then needed a place to stay while he waited for his day to ship off to basic (boot camp).

I have a spare room so I told him to stay with me if he’d help out. He did, but I could really see it stressing him out as the day loomed over the horizon. He was drinking a lot and Hopper can be a bit obnoxious anyway….but when he’s wasted he can be especially difficult to deal with.

In any case, he left last week. The house is quiet again and I think I am regaining my sanity. I don’t do too well with roommates. I need my space and my solitary time.

I hope he’s doing well in basic.

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