Friday, March 07, 2008

Wax in my Boxers…

For Christmas I was given one of those nifty heated lamp thingies that heats up and melts wax. You stick a scented wax in it, turn it on and smell the goodies.

This was all good until I tripped over the cord. If you have ever let a candle burn to long and gotten wax on the carpet or something you know how frustrating it can be to clean up. But imagine that when my foot hit the cord the wax went flying and managed to efficiently send out a nice spatter pattern covering a rug, the carpet, baseboards, walls, and windows all in one fell swoop.

I tried the newspaper trick, but all I ever get is the junk mail circulars that have the already-waxed paper with color and that’s not good.

So I took a pair of old boxer shorts and an iron and proceeded to heat the wax up so it would melt into the boxer shorts. I got about 90% of it up with this method, but the shorts are ruined. I dunno, maybe I should wear them again. It could be interesting….

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