Monday, January 07, 2008

Wii Insurance Scam?

I was talking to a friend of mine and while they were at a party there was another Wii accident. Not, that’s not wee accident, but Wii accident. As in the Nintendo Wii. For those of you that are completely under a rock (I am close) the Wii is a game console that connects to your television like the XBox, XBox360, Playstation, etc.

The thing that really differentiates a Wii is that it has a wireless controller with motion sensor technology that senses your movements as you move the remote. So, rather than just pushing a little stick, pad, or buttons you are literally moving the remote to interact with the games. Play tennis, and you’ll find yourself swinging the remote like a “real” racket to hit the ball.

As a side note I’ve read a few articles that compare playing Wii to a workout. Not so surprising some of the Wii games burned more calories than a typical cardio workout. Maybe Fat Bastard Little Johnny will finally lose some weight even if he’s not going outside to play with the other kiddies. When I was a kid I had to actually go outside to play and interact with other kids. There was none of this hiding behind my XBox internet gaming console to play war. We really shot at each other with BB guns and slingshots!

Anyway, I digress. The Wii remote has a little wrist-strap that you are supposed to put around your wrist in case you accidentally let go of the remote. Either because the strap breaks, or more likely, people aren’t using it there is a high number of Wii remotes that go flying around the house breaking things….most notably, televisions!

So my friend’s friend put a Wii remote right through the host’s $3000 plasma television. This is about the fourth incident I have personally heard of. But then I got to thinking.
I’d really like to have a new 56” plasma television. I could go out and buy a Wii. Then I could fling the remote into my current TV and destroy it. File it under my insurance and go buy a new TV.

Wii – about $250 (more if you can’t wait!)
Insurance deductible – about $1000

So for somewhere around $1300 I could get a brand new 56” Plasma television and have a Wii console. Not a bad idea…..

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