Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wasted Time

I added it up and between June 30th and July 12th I have an accumulative total of about 62 hours of travel time. Somehow I still managed to squeeze in a full work-week, too. It didn’t help that I was supposed to get from DFW to SJC and had a layover flight. It was delayed, and that caused me to miss the last flight out of San Diego (the connecting airport) to SJC. I had to get a hotel for the night. And yes, this is not even the same trip as the DIA fiasco I just mentioned.


Anonymous said...

Now we know why the economy is in the're not doing anything. Just sitting on your butt in airports hacking away at your little laptop. Pa-the-tic. Pathetic.

-bRad said...

I'm not even hacking away. Most airports don't have free internet access and I'm too much of a cheap bastard to pay them $8.00 for a few minutes / hours of ues.