Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jack Daniels at the Bank!

I took my “penny jar” with me into the bank last week. I always put all the change from my pockets into the jar at the end of the day. I am the kind of person that will pick up pennies and other coins when I find them on the ground. I also get a lot of silver in there. I don’t understand why people don’t keep their coins? It’s still money and it still spends. I typically average between $175 ~ $225 when the jar is filled, which takes about 2 years.

Everyone at the bank got a kick out of my jar. It’s a ½-gallon of Jack Daniels. You can probably imagine the usual comments such as “did you have fun drinking that?” or “I sure wish I had some.” Etc. I guess people don’t do that every day.

The bank charges about $3.50 to count your coins for you. It’s not worth my time to count it all up so I dumped it in one of their bags and they send it off to the vault for counting. I’ll find out how much it was in a week or so.

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