Thursday, April 12, 2007


I watched a movie the other night called Idiocracy. Now, don't run out and go watch this movie. It sucked. But, even though I sat there and wasted a little over an hour of my life on it I fear that the point of the movie was prophetic.

The basic premise of the film is that the military takes two average people and accidentally hibernates them for 500+ years and they wake up in the future. In the future these two average people are now the smartest people on the planet because we have continually been dumbing down society to the point where everyone is a moron.

The sad thing is, I don't think they were too far off the mark. The opening few minutes of the film is the best part where they show how evolution has basically ceased and that population growth and explosion are attributed to stupid people, while intelligent people are being bred out. The basic reasoning for this is that intelligent people are less likely to have children as they are more likely to wait until the timing is right (financially, socially, etc), while stupid people are more likely to reproduce again, and again, and again without cause or concern for themselves or the young ones.

Now, if you stop and think about it....this is exactly what is happening!!!! And then, of course we have the dumbing down of our social system, schools, etc. The movie also attributes our future stupidity to our value of entertainment over more cerebral activities, such as reading. Maybe I really don't want to be here in a few hundred years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard that in the movie, the most popular TV show is where some guy gets repeatedly racked again and again. It's called "OW! My Nuts!"

I think I hear a reality show looming.....