Monday, April 23, 2007

Finally! A bug boil!

So I fly in from Montana. I get in late in the afternoon and immediately sweep and mop the floor trying to get the grout dust off. Then I call Young Blood and he comes over to help me move all my stuff back.

Then it’s in the shower for a shower and shave before heading out to the Stars game where we trounced the Florida Dolphins (inside joke) 2-0!!! Side note: that makes game seven in the first round TONIGHT – which pretty much means I’ll probably have a heart attack somewhere around 9:30pm CST.

The next day I get up and ride a bit while grabbing some chow. I decided to do an impromptu bug-boil (crawfish). I wasn’t going to do it, but they (bugs) only go on sale maybe one time a year and this was going to have to be the day.

I called a few people and most people just couldn’t make it on such short notice, but I decided to do it anyway. Most of these pics were taken for my friends in MT that had never seen a bug boil before.

The boil / mix. It’s got all kinds of spices, peppers, onions, garlic, etc. in it. This is right before we bring it to a boil and start taste-testing.

This is a picture of my niece after discovering Beignets (a Cajun donut) for the first time. She ate enough of them with the powdered sugar to produce a nice exploding child effect!!!

Here is a picture of the bugs after I purged them. Purging them is a process by which you stick them in real salty water so that they clear their bowels and stomachs. Yeah, I know it doesn’t sound real pleasant, but it’s better than eating it!!!!

This is one of the “bad boys” that was picked out of the lineup early on. My niece as well as several others had fun playing with the crawfish before they met their imminent demise. My niece had such a good time with them that I had to get a jar and poke some hole in the lid so that she could take couple of them home for pets and for show and tell at school.

Now that the water is boiling we have our first test subject!!!! It took us a little bit of time to get the mixture right, and my friend Dan who is a real coon-ass used his nose and taste buds to dial it in.

The finished product, Batch 1 !!!

We had 35lbs of bugs that went along with a whole sack of potatoes, some corn, sausage and mushrooms which were all thrown in the mix to absorb the spices. Wash down with cold beer and enjoy!

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