Saturday, January 16, 2010

Japan Bitches!

…at least that is how it looks in my outlook calendar right now. In just a couple of weeks I’ll be in Japan on a well deserved, and very long, vacation. I’m pretty excited about it and a little nervous. It’s not like going to Europe where our own culture is largely derived from European culture. No, this should be completely alien.

Fortunately, we have several contacts over there and at least one of us has made many trips. That means that I’ll be with some people for a few days that know how to get around and understand the culture a bit.

I plan on getting some snowboarding in near Tokyo and at Sapporo, but we aren’t making this a ski vacation. We want to check out some of the more local cultures, towns and temples.

Right now, we are still trying to lay out or itinerary and who we will be traveling with and where. There are some logistical issues traveling in Japan – like how much luggage you can carry as apparently the trains don’t have much room for it. I think I can get down to one small bad provided I can find some place to wash clothes. We haven’t even decided if we will take a laptop, but I’m sure one would be beneficial.

My x-g/f used to tell me that I never liked to go anywhere and do anything. I always found this confusing since I could recall many times I tried to get her to go out and do things with me, but she wouldn’t ever go. Most of the times, she would go off on her own or with her friends.

Since we split up, I’ve been to Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Lichtenstein, and Jamaica. Inside the U.S. I’ve been all over the place as well…sometimes for work, and sometimes for vacation. So was it me, or was it the girl….

1 comment:

Bling! said...

It was the girl. She was lame.