Thursday, January 15, 2009

Observing the Economy


Has anyone else noticed that the price of goods is going up and not down? Has anyone else noticed that manufacturers of foods are giving you less and less while charging you more? Even the airlines are continuing to nickel-and-dime you to death while keeping the rates nice and high.

It’s interesting because you would think that somewhere along the line that commercial enteritis would figure out that people are spending less money, not more, and that by continuing to raise rates and offer less value for the money it isn’t going to net them more profit.

I wanted to take a ski trip and go snowboarding. I have my own board and gear, but I won’t be taking the board. Why? Because it will cost me an additional $300 to fly my board round-trip. This is not a fuel issue because my board and bag weighs far less than most people’s luggage. They are hitting surfers, golfers, skiers, boarders, etc. with this excessive handling fee. It has to be affecting people’s vacation travels.

I’ve been monitoring the pricing of a TV I’ve been looking at. It’s the
Panasonic TH-50PZ800U. None of the stores around here carry it so I’ll have to order it online. About the best price I ever saw on it was $1750 with free shipping. A few days ago the prices started to creep back up. Now I can’t find it for less than $2000 at the same places I could get it for the lower price. That could be a function of the retailers thinking that people will be buying more sets as the deadline for digital conversion looms. I wonder what will happen after the deadline?

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