Monday, July 04, 2005

...Happy Birthday USA!

229 Years Old, we celebrate July 4th once again! We should not forget that freedom is not "free" and give a toast to the men and women that have made it possible for us to have a cold one and throw some burgers on the grill.

I've only been home a few days, but have gotten the news on a few things that really bothered me.

1 - the Dallas Cowboys signed the agreement with the City of Arlington. I live in Arlington. I'm not a football fan. I am REALLY not a fan of the public paying for the football stadiums of rich team owners. And I am really realy really not a fan of our city council pulling the wool over everyone's eyes to get them to vote for the stadium without disclosing how bad of a deal it is for the city.

Now, couple that with the Supreme Court case of imminent Domain. If you hadn't heard, the case was regarding the issue of the govt. to come in and claim land under imminent Domain and then turn that land over to private enterprise "for the good of the city." Well, as it turns out in a surprising twist of fate the conservative judges ruled it was not OK, while the liberal judges ruled in favor of it.

What does that mean to you dear citizen? Basically that the govt. can step in and take your home away from you to turn it over to McDonald's and you can't do jack shit about it. Sure, they have to pay you for it, but only fair market value. Lovely, isn't it?

2 - The citizens in this area of Arlington have been fighting Wallmart for about five years now. This also includes the citizens of a neighboring town since the Wallmart would technically reside in both cities. So, they are holding ANOTHER meeting to vote on this. You get a few thousand citizens that turn up and everyone is voting NO NO NO NO!! what does our great city council do? They vote yes 5-to-2.

This is not the first time something like this has happened in small government. It is, however, VERY disturbing when you get representatives that refuse to listen to their citizens or vote in the best interesting of their constitutients.

I can tell you that based on the above two issues there will be at least one citizen at the polls exercising their right to vote and doing his best to get these people out of office....

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