Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tooth Owie - Cont.


Today I went to have my tooth pulled out and an implant put in. Like most people, I really don’t like dentists and having needles and things stuck in my mouth. Today was no different and I told the surgeon that I was pretty nervous. I have to say, though, he was great. I can’t speak for his surgical ability, but his bedside manner, personality, and willingness to talk to me and keep me up to speed on what was going on was awesome!

He got my tooth out in about 20 minutes. Unfortunately the root on my tooth is slightly large and it left a larger hole in my skull than he would like to have seen so he couldn’t put the implant in today. Instead he did a bone graft and stitched me up. Now I have to wait about 8 weeks for that to heal up before he goes back in and puts the implant in. Then, I’m looking at another three months before I get a crown put on. Not happy, but at least I made some progress on it. On the positive side, I’ll probably be able to put together a good “crack addict” Halloween costume or something.

The photos show the progression of healing. The first photo was the day after it was done. The second one is about 5 days later. You can see my stitches are starting to dissolve and come out.


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