Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Japan - I'm Back!!

I’m actually still reeling from jet lag. For some reason, I can always travel west far easier than I can travel east. When I’ve gone to Europe it’s always harder for me to adjust. The same is true about coming home from Japan.

Going over there wasn’t really a problem. We flew business class (on miles) on a Boeing 777. The new cabins are pretty slick and it made the 12+ hour flight pretty enjoyable. We had to get a connecting leg in LA, so our total trip time was almost 20 hours by the time we caught our flights, busses, etc., and got to the hotel. Still, I adjusted to that fairly quick and within a day or two was pretty much on-track with the exception that I was getting up and going to bed fairly early.

Coming home, though, hasn’t worked out so well. Japan is approximately 13 hours ahead of DFW. From a time difference perspective we left Japan before we landed in DFW. The flight was also shorter since we flew direct to DFW and we had the jet stream with us (700+mph ground speed!! Nice tailwind) and were going against the rotation of the earth. Oddly enough, we landed in the biggest “snow storm” on record at DFW. Of course, we love the snow but everyone else on the plane and most people in DFW were freaked out about it. All in all, we got about 12.5” – highly unusual for us and it caused some damage with breaking branches and what-not. Here is a quick pic of my house with snow all over it.


By the time we got through customs and got a ride home from the airport it was about 10:30 or so in the morning and we had already been up for a long time. I don’t sleep well on flights even with the free-flowing Jack and cokes. I was pretty wiped out, but managed to stay up until about 3:00pm and then I crashed for an hour or so. I got up and then stayed up until midnight. But this morning I woke up promptly at 4:00am and was really dragging by 4:00pm. I took another “quick nap” and woke up almost 7 hours later and here I am writing at near midnight.
I figure I’ll just be a train wreck for a few days but I’ll get over it and it was totally worth it. Besides, I have over 1338 emails to go through only 25 of which are spam. That, plus laundry, organizing photos, gifts, thoughts, etc. is just going to take a while.

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