Thursday, September 09, 2010

Burning the Quran

Recently, I heard about the preacher in Florida that plans to burn the Quran on September 11th. The guy or church obviously wanted the publicity as nobody would probably find out about a small church burning a book.

Now, before I go any further let me state that I completely agree with everyone who has said that this is not a good idea. I do not believe that if you want to resolve a conflict you do so by antagonizing someone. Clearly burning the Quran is going to antagonize Muslims.

So let me get to my second opinion – I say go for it. I am sick and tired of people being afraid of retaliation by Muslims. Doesn’t anyone get it? It’s not a religion of peace. If it were, we wouldn’t be concerned about a militant uprising, riots, and death threats. People get upset when there is flag burning, bible burning, etc., but the entire media doesn’t pick it up and run it as a story because ultimately we tolerate it and respect it as a First Amendment right.

In this case, however, the media has picked it up and is saying how terrible things are going to be. Why? Were it truly a religion of peace there shouldn’t be ANY worry of violence. Peaceful protesting? Sure. Saying it’s wrong? Absolutely. Threating people and blowing stuff up? What is wrong with you?

In my opinion, Muslims show their true colors in situations like this. Hey, look….if you are a Muslim and you are reading this – if you truly want to foster a positive relationship with American and the rest of the world then don’t do ANYTHING. That’s right. Ignore it. Let it go and simply ignore it. If you want to agree that it was in poor taste and let that be it that's fine, but otherwise don't do anything. I’ll believe Muslims as a whole are peaceful when they stop perpetuating and supporting violent behavior. If “radical” Muslims kill somebody over this and millions of “peaceful” Muslims flock to the street in protest of the violent behavior, then I’ll change my tune.

Are we placing bets?

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