Sunday, September 28, 2008

Obama – I think not!

A few days ago a friend told me that they thought there wasn’t anything they could say to convince me that Obama would be the right candidate to vote for. They are probably right, but not because I won’t listen to reason.

First off, I flat out do not like him. I do not like politicians in general, and no matter what he says he is clearly a politician. Obama is a very charismatic person. But I am leery of anyone that people “flock” to so readily without providing anything other than rhetoric. I find all this talk about “change” and calling him “the one” deeply disturbing. People that are able to orchestrate large scams are often able to do so because they are able to draw the people in the way Obama has. It’s not until later that someone says “how did he manage to do that?” So again, I don’t like him and I don’t trust him.

Now what about change? This one is leaving me empty. Anyone who takes that office will be a change from what we have today. And who says change is a good thing? When the Nazi party took over Germany that was definitely a change, but I’d say that mankind has agreed that it was not a good change. BTW, I’m not comparing Obama to Hitler unlike so many people that would ludicrously do that to Bush.

Ok, so change. We get that, but let’s be more specific and move on.

Obama, like many democrats, favor socialistic policies – whether they come out and say it or not. Socialized medicine, increasing control and regulation of and by the government, increasing taxes (but not for everyone!), are all socialistic policies. Even today, congress is leading the way to put us in the same financial positions as our brethren in the U.K. and France (two countries that are suffering disastrous consequences).

Financial policy? Every economist I have read so far indicates that they think his policies will be a disaster. He’s already had to revise them because they were so far off the mark he couldn’t get elected with them.

Obama favors gun control, and I think I’ve written enough about that.

Foreign policy experience? Forget it….but at least he has Biden to help with that.

Leadership experience? Just about nill as far as I can tell. I’ve read his voting record and while there are a few things I’d agree with I simply do not agree with most of his policies (the few he actually cast a definitive vote on as opposed to being “present.”).

And finally, my biggest problem with Obama. Forget the crap circulating out there that is pure bullshit for a moment. Obama has strong Muslim ties including financial, political, and family ties. I’ve posted articles on this before as well. Prior to running for President Obama was well known as a Muslim sympathizer. Combine that with other things that he has said / done and I simply do not trust his loyalty to the United States. And let me be frank for a moment – fuck everyone else. This is the U.S. and our country and countrymen (women) should come first. Take care of ourselves and then we can worry about other people.

Notice I haven’t bagged on McCain / Palin. Well, it’s not that I like McCain and Palin….but this was about me not liking Obama.

But the good news….. I think Obama will probably get elected. People had enough of republicans for a while and even though the democratically controlled congress has a lower approval rate than Bush I think people will vote for Obama. So the good news? That the President of the United states can’t control the country. Sure, they can do a lot of damage (or a lot of good!), but ultimately it’s Congress that we need to worry about. They can’t do much without Congress.

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