Obama appears to like to deliver speeches and campaign ads in a interestingly deceptive manner. Politics is a game. Make no mistake. And Obama plays it as well as any, but most of you are deceived by it. He’s no politician. He’s different. He is….The One.
The two incidents that strike me are one in which Obama made a reference to “..at least keeping machine guns out of the hands of teenagers.” (sorry, that may be a paraphrase and not an exact quote). If I recall correctly the speech made a reference to keeping guns out of the hands of illegals and teenagers.
Ummm…someone needs to tell him that it’s already illegal. He isn’t proposing anything new nor is he shedding some golden light on the situation.
The other incident is part of his campaign in which he attempts to lure the vote of women by lying about McCains voting record on a law that would provide equal pay to women.
You would think that since Obama is a lawyer he would know that it’s been illegal to deny equal pay to women since 1963 via the Equal Pay Act, and reinforced in 1964 via the Civil Rights Act.
BTW – McCains female staff earns $1.04 for every dollar that his male staffers earn while Obama’s female staff only earn 83 cents for every dollar that his male staffers earn.
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