Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Quick Lesson On The South

Many people often confuse the Confederate flag with the Confederate Battle Flag. Here are pictures of both of them:

Most people are familiar with the Confederate Battle flag (bottom), but would not recognize the Confederate Flag (top).

1 comment:

James Williams said...

The other Soutern Flag of interest is the Bonnie Blue Flag. It pre-dates the civil war, so is not as controversial even though it was used by the South at the start of the war. (Remember that in "Gone with the Wind" Rhett Butler named his daughter Bonnis Blue.) The Bonnie Blue flag inspired the original Texas flag in 1836, and the Texas Lone Star Flag in 1839. The confederate flag is called the "Stars and Bars," and the Battle Flag is called the "Southern Cross" or "The Cross of St. Andrew." THe reason the battle flag was used was because it was easy to confuse the Stars and Bars with the Stars and Stripes in a battle, but not the Southern Cross.