Wednesday, November 07, 2007

New Mexico Grants Drivers Licenses to Illegal Aliens

I really thought it would be California that did this first, but it looks like the state of New Mexico is now granting drivers licenses to illegal aliens. Other states are considering doing the same. Unbelievable. I saw this right before I stepped on a plane and fumed about it the whole way home.

It’s mind boggling to me. I simply do not understand how we can allow felons to come into a DMV and get a drivers license without getting arrested! My friend tells me that we need to have a talk about constitutional law. I really would like to be enlightened on how this works because I simply don’t understand it. I am not being facetious. I really want to understand what I consider to be a serious flaw in our system. But it probably wouldn’t do any good anyway as it certainly doesn’t seem that our government cares to fix the problem.

There isn’t much I can do as I am not a citizen of the state of New Mexico, but I am so disheartened by this that I just feel like giving up on our government. I cannot express in words how angry and sad this makes me all at the same time. It’s no wonder that other countries have no respect for us. We can’t, or don’t, enforce our own laws.

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