Thursday, March 15, 2007

Flooded with "Hits"

On the right side bar of the site there is a link counter. It's placed at the bottom of the side bar and if you ever want to see statistics on the number of hits this page gets and where they come from you can click on it and check it out.

On average, I usually hit a high of about 10 hits a day. At a low point, which it was last week, it was only 3 ~ 5 hits a day. Suddenly, it was at 60 hits per day!!!! Holy smokes? Must be something wrong, right?

So I click on the meter and start trying to find out where all these people are coming from. As it turns out, they were all googling the "Global Warming Swindle" which I had recently posted links for on here. Get this, at one point it hit ~ 200 hits in one day. Wild.

But the video is here, even if Blogger keeps breaking the link. And then I had a very pleasing thought..... word is finally getting out. People are finally starting to realize that this is a hoax, a sham as it were. Even Forbes had an article indicating that this is all a bunch of bunk. My guess is that the hardcore libs and environmentalist will not "believe" that it's wrong, though they will "believe" that it's right even though there isn't any evidence or science to back it.

Maybe it's not such a bad thing that people are finally waking up.....

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