Sunday, March 04, 2007

Bruised but Not Broken

Yesterday was my last day to go snowboarding for a while. Dusty had managed to catch the 30” dump at Bridger Bowl so he was a bit indifferent to hitting a lot of runs. We decided to go play in the terrain park at Moonlight Basin.

The “terrain park” is really a human torture area. In this area they setup all kinds of rails, slides, and kickers (jumps). What you are supposed to do is fling your body at them in an effort to have fun and look cool to the ever elusive hot chick that might be watching you. We pretty much ran them over and over again, but never found the hot chick.

Dusty’s first rail slide landed him flat on his back in the snow. My first rail slide went fine, at first, and then I lost my balance and landed squarely on my right butt-cheek. Dusty is laughing at me and asks “did that hurt?” “Yes it hurt.” And of course everyone else around me is laughing now, too. There isn’t much better than being able to hurt and embarrass yourself all at the same time.

Not about to give up, we continued to hit jumps and torture ourselves even further throughout the afternoon. I got a few good jumps in, and even managed to stick a few of them. Since gravity does work, you always land….you just may not land the way you intended.

Dusty did manage to have one really bad wipe-out after trying to turn and watch me hit a kicker on a run. He caught his downhill heel edge and managed to slam himself into the side of the mountain at a high rate of speed. I knew it was bad when his took and goggles went flying in two different directions (i.e. yard sale). After a brief rest in the snow while he got his senses back we headed down to the lodge to get some liquid courage and continue to torture ourselves for just a few more floggings in the terrain park. I think he might finally be convinced he needs a helmet.

Today I am paying for it. My ass is bruised, and my hip-flexors are really stiff. My back is stiff and most of my leg muscles are sore. If I am lucky, I’ll make it back in April right before the resorts shut back down for the year. Too bad I live so far away.

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