Monday, February 27, 2012

My Girlfriend has Balls

This past Friday evening my g/f picked up a brand new Subaru Impreza WRX. She got the limited version that has most of the bells and whistles. It’s a very sweet ride!!! We kept telling her that we were jealous. It was funny because after she picked it up we were having dinner and she asked me “you aren’t really jealous, are you?” “Um. Yes. Yes I am.”

BTW – the picture is not actually her car, but it’s very close. Same color, but she has window tint, etc. Also, she got the car from Sewell Subaru in Dallas, TX from Brad Jolly. So far, she’s had a great experience and would recommend them to anyone.

So why does she have balls? Well, she didn’t know how to drive a stick (manual transmission). The WRX only comes in a stick. You can’t order it as an automatic. Not letting this deter her, she ordered one anyway after we (dealer and I) drove her around in one. The dealer even took her out into the parking lot and we gave her the 15-minute lesson on how to drive a stick on a brand new WRX STI. I think that sold her on the car.

While we were waiting for her car to come in we took out a friend’s car and she got to drive it for a couple of hours, but other than that she was still very new to driving a stick. When her new WRX came in I drove it off the lot and down to a parking lot so she could get the feel of the car. Other than driving home from dinner a couple of times she has pretty much been driving it ever since.

Now, being that she is still a beginner she has stalled it a few times and is more comfortable overreving the engine for first gear starts – especially in precarious situations like trying to make a yielded left-turn in oncoming traffic.
But she also hasn’t taken the easy road when getting used to her car and learning to drive it. The first places we drive? Downtown Dallas and Uptown (also in Dallas). These are not nice country roads with calm drivers. These are in-your-face driving situations with heavy traffic, lots of stop-and-go, and lots of people with itchy car horns. I even told her, it’s probably not how I would have wanted to learn how to drive a stick.

So, for not only buying a car that she knowing couldn’t drive very well right off the bat, and then further torturing herself by driving in a busy city my compliments – even if it means she has balls.

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