Here are a couple of picture of a recent home project in which I mounted two guitar wall hangers to the wall. They are Hercules Hangers and you can pick them up for around $20 ea.
The hangers weren’t hard to install, but I suggest that if you can’t get a stud on the wall that you put in molly bolts, which I did. They seem to hold my guitars nicely and free up some floor space. I’ll probably buy a third one and also put it on the wall.
I needed a new stand to accommodate a new bass which I just got. I had wanted a bass for a while, but had just never gotten around to buying one. It wasn’t something I needed. I just wanted to be able to fill in some parts here and there when doing recordings.
As it turns out I had a TON of rewards points on my credit card. Surprisingly enough, they had a lot of musical equipment on there and when I was surfing around I found this bass. It’s a Schecter Omen Extreme 5-String Bass. I burned about ½ of my points, but it didn’t cost me a dime otherwise!!
I’m also glad I got the 5-string. I’m not a bass player and that is painfully evident when I play it, but I have really been making a lot of use out of the low B string. My fingers are mad at me right now as they are pretty sore from jamming on it for the last 2 days straight in a row. They’ll toughen up, but it will take a while.
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