Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Gluttony!

I’ve often heard of people gaining weight over the holidays.
Apparently it’s not that unusual when you consider that an average Thanksgiving
Day meal packs a whopping 5000 – 6000 calories!!!! Add that to a little extra
snacking, a few extra beverages, and an entire weekend of eating “hearty” and
it’s not surprising that people put on a few pounds.

This weekend, I also splurged a bit. My morning started off
normal enough with a slice of PB&J toast. About 11:00am I split a protein
shake (with banana and peanut butter in it) with my g/f to tide me over until
our feast.

For my feast I had no appetizers, despite my niece begging
me to try this or that. All of the munchies were some kind of bready
something-or-another. She has a hard time understanding why I won’t eat stuff
like that, but my mom, who is also diabetic, will. I tried to explain that if I
was going to eat something with a lot of bread in it, I would rather have
stuffing than some crackers or something.

But, for my feast I had a salad, some ham, some green beans,
and a little home-made macaroni and cheese. I even split a piece of pumpkin pie
and whip cream with my g/f. I also had a two glasses of wine, about three rum
balls, and when we started playing cards I had a glass of good whiskey.

Aside from normal eating I also allowed myself to have a
beer and a glass of whiskey on Friday, and Saturday. Saturday night I even went
down to a good Mexican place and ate a plate full of nachos (with the beer),
which I am really not supposed to do.

All in all, a little excess for me, but nothing too crazy.
And then I weighed myself on the scale this morning…. Surprisingly, I still
lost weight!!!

I’m now down to 130.2 pounds. All my friends keep telling me
I am getting really skinny. A few people have commented that I am “wasting away”
and one friend has actually asked if I am OK. I can’t say that the thought hasn’t
crossed my mind about not being OK, but I also figure with all the blood work I’ve
done I would hope that they would be checking markers for cancer.

I still think most of it is attributed to diet, though I
also hit a workout program pretty hard for the first month or so. Not so much
the last two months – I find it particularly difficult to work out on the road
when I am working 14 hour days and stuff, and I’m just not a morning person.

No, I think it’s mostly diet. I’ve made a huge effort to cut
out all the sugar in my diet, and that is not easy to do. Even before being
diagnosed with diabetes I was aware of how much sugar we consume as Americans.
Trust me, it’s in pretty much everything, and if you don’t believe me try
reading some labels. Still, knowing that it’s there and trying to eliminate it
are two totally different things. But I do a pretty good job and I don’t
consume a whole lot of sugar or simple carbohydrates.

So how much have I lost? Well, I keep a chart going back to
early 2005 of my weight. In 2005 I weighed 158 pounds. In 2007 I was up to
about 167 pounds. Somewhere in there I was also hitting the gym a lot and there
is no doubt that some of the weight was attributed to muscle mass. Then,
somewhere around 2008 I started to lose weight again. I think it’s because I
stopped lifting weights and started losing muscle mass, but I was also a bit
more conscientious about the spare tire around my middle.

In march of this year I was surprised to be under 160 again –
and didn’t realize it until we went skydiving for my 40th and I
thought their scale was weighing in light. By July I was down to 153 lbs. In
august, under 150, and by September I was under 140. Now it’s almost December and
I am about to be under 130!!!! Heck, if I take a good crap I can be under 130 before the day is out!



I honestly can’t remember the last time I weighed under 130.
I think it was somewhere around high school or college. A long time ago…..

Is there a point to all this? I’m not sure. Just that I
thought I would have gained a few pounds over the Thanksgiving Day weekend, but
I didn’t. I think I managed to enjoy myself, without denying myself everything,
and still ate reasonable.

Unless there really is something wrong with me, and I
suppose it’s possible, just about anyone should be able to lose a few pounds by
controlling their diet better. Mind you, I don’t starve myself at all. I eat
three to four times a day, maybe more, and I have some snacks. If I can do it,
you can too!

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