Saturday, February 12, 2011


As I recently posted, I took a nice vacation over the holidays. I took an even longer vacation from writing on the blog. For those of you who actually read what I post, my apologies. It was necessary, though. One of the reasons I write is not because I think everyone should hear what I have to say. Unlike most of the narcissistic bloggers I really don’t care if you read this or not. I write as an exercise and as a pseudo-diary. It’s a way for me to log my thoughts and ideas. I probably need something closer to twitter, though, mostly because I have so many thoughts and ideas to write on here that I lose track of them.

But as I took my vacation I also became severely disenchanted with everything going on in the world. Even as republicans swept the house I have still been pretty unhappy with the current state of affairs in politics. World events aren’t much better. Even the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords turned into a political ploy by both sides (and no, I don’t care which side started it). And, of course, the sheeple are still in full swing buying whatever the media tells them to. Me, I just had to step back for a bit and just complain to my friends that would raise another glass with me. One day gone, another begins.

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