Have you heard the latest in the war on free speech? It’s fairly well known, but often ignored, that the Obama administration has used it’s considerable power and weight to bear down on those who oppose “the one” to suppress negative opinions about him. This occurred during his campaign, and is still occurring during the healthcare debates.
But most shockingly to me, Obama and his administration recently jointly proposed and helped pass an outright anti-free speech bill into the UN HRC. Go read about it. The HRC is mostly comprised of countries that have a horrible history of human rights practices and is predominantly lead by an Islamic counsel.
In short…
The new resolution, championed by the Obama administration, has a number of disturbing elements. It emphasizes that "the exercise of the right to freedom of expression carries with it special duties and responsibilities . . ." which include taking action against anything meeting the description of "negative racial and religious stereotyping." It also purports to "recognize . . . the moral and social responsibilities of the media" and supports "the media's elaboration of voluntary codes of professional ethical conduct" in relation to "combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance."
The OIC’s resolution would ban outright the “defaming” of religions, speech critical of religion (even if accurate), and open discussion about any negative consequences resulting from the implementation of religious beliefs (such as Sharia law).
Folks….this is at the very heart of what free speech is meant to protect. That you or I can have and voice a difference of opinion. That we may question the status quo or the actions of our fellow man. These laws are thin disguises, at best, to stifle criticism and alternative points of view. It’s amazing to me that the U.S. has backed this type of bill while people in European countries are being jailed (or worse) for criticizing Islam, Mohamed, or the Quran.
Thinly disguised blasphemy laws are often defended as necessary to protect the ideals of tolerance and pluralism. They ignore the fact that the laws achieve tolerance through the ultimate act of intolerance: criminalizing the ability of some individuals to denounce sacred or sensitive values. We do not need free speech to protect popular thoughts or popular people. It is designed to protect those who challenge the majority and its institutions. Criticism of religion is the very measure of the guarantee of free speech — the literal sacred institution of society.
Where are the liberals and leftists screaming about people’s rights?
And if that is not enough, the Obama administration is now ordering pay cuts of executives for companies that have been bailed out – this is after they have already been bailed out, not before – when the government would actually have some authority to dictate terms of the loans.
And let’s not forget that while the government is taking control of the auto industry, and the banks, they are still seeking to gain control over yours, and mine, health insurance and medical plans.
What’s amazing to me is that the majority (?) of the American people seem to be going along with this. The debate shouldn’t be “how do we do it,” but is it even constitutional in the first place? The answer in most, if not all cases, is a fairly clear and resounding “no.” The constitution specifically grants certain and enumerated powers to the federal government and anti-speech laws, taking over private institutions, bailing companies out, dictating salary structures, and taking over healthcare isn’t there.
We’ve gotten so angry at what the government has done (bailing companies out) and how the companies have responded (continuing to blow the money) that we are loosing sight of the real issues. We are allowing our freedoms to be eroded and for the government to continue to gain footholds into every aspect of our lives.
People, somewhat rightfully, were upset at the Bush administration and it’s expansion of government power and shunning of civil liberties. Others, were quick to call the Bush administration a bunch of fascists, yet what that administration did pales in comparison to the encroachment of the Obama administration.
My father often compares what is happening, right now, to what happened prior to WWII as Hitler took over. The “game plan,” if you will, is roughly the same. It’s not hard to see the parallels between how Hitler came to power and the Nazi’s eviscerated human rights and the path the U.S. is on.
1 comment:
It's no wonder we connected...You took the words right out of my mind...
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