Last week, The House of Representatives passed another democratic sponsored bill that would be the single, largest, tax-hike in our country’s history – and they didn’t even read it. This isn’t anything new. Obama and Pelosi have been cranking out legislation with unprecedented spending and nobody reading the bills since Obama took office. Don’t worry about what it says, and what it will do, just vote for it. Unfortunately, most of them do because they are party hacks.
As usual, despite all of Obama’s posturing and talking about bipartisanship the bill passed the house with virtually no Republican support at all. The bill is the famous carbon cap-and-trade scheme. The bill aims to reduce greenhouse emissions 83% by 2050 even though there is virtually no scientific evidence that indicates this will have any effect on global warming. There is, however, strong evidence that suggests it will cost us a fortune in regulations, taxation, and additional expenditures.
As a small example, the bill has a provision in it that would require anyone selling a home to have an EPA study done of the home to see if it abides by government mandated standards for energy efficiency. Think about that one for a moment. The guidelines are not yet specified in the bill, but they want homeowners to have to call out the EPA to survey the house and see if it meets the code. Can you imagine what the code will be? And if you don’t meet it? Expect to spend another $20k or more fixing your house up. I’d bet over 90% of the homes won’t meet the guidelines. There goes the housing market and your dream of upgrading to a new home, not to mention the codes and regulations driving up the costs of new homes to astronomical proportions.
And what about Obama’s promise to be the most open and transparent administration ever? Well, while he and Pelosi were shoving the bill down our throats and telling people we had to have it NOW (remind you of another recent bill?) they were simultaneously suppressing reports from the Competitive Enterprise Institute and other groups that provided observations and evidence that the information the AGWs alarmists are using to dictate policy aren’t viable. But the Obama administration doesn’t want anyone to know about these so they suppressed them.
And the icing on the cake?
There have been numerous reports of switchboards being flooded by concerned citizens about this bill and what it can do to our economy. As Rep. Chales Gonzalez, D-Texas said “I can’t begin to tell you how many calls we’ve received and it’s disproportionately vote “’no.’”
Yet, Gonzalez voted “yes” anyway.
This entire scenario is, to me, the epitome of how fucked up our system is. You have politicians making law that the public doesn’t want, hiding the truth from the public while telling people that it’s absolutely necessary, it’s based on junk science, and it’s completely partisian. Yet, the politicians do whatever they want anyway based on some personal agenda ignoring their constituents. Why bother?
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