It’s good to know that some people do read the blog from time to time. I recently got this in my personal email:
Hey you fuckin' SLACKER !
I suppose you are going to use that 'lame' excuse that you are traveling, and can't update your blog. Whats happening to you ???
Umm…yeah… This last month has been a bit hectic and somewhat of a blur. I was working on a project for the power plant I had mentioned earlier. More to the point, I was working on a project for multiple power plants. We had a brutal and aggressive schedule of covering all of these plants in three weeks, then writing the report.
I had to leave town to do it, of course. My average day over the last month was to get up between 5:00am and 5:15am. No big deal to you morning people, but I am not one of them. Never have been, never will be. And no, I will not “get used to it if you just keep getting up early.” It pisses me off and makes me miserable. If you can get used to being pissed off and miserable, then I suppose you can get to it. No wonder so many of you are grumpy until you get your coffee. Try waking up a little bit later. I remember one morning we left to go get some breakfast and when we arrived they weren’t open yet. My friend and co-worker turned to the other guy and said “See? Even the breakfast people aren’t up, yet.”
Once we got to the plants it was generally a rough day of cerebral as well as physical activity (hey! It can take a while to make your way through a power plant). Sometimes we’d work through lunch, sometimes we got a break. Our afternoons generally ended somewhere around 4:00. Then it was off to the hotel to catch up on emails and other responsibilities until it was time for dinner. We’d all meet back up and go over the day as well as the over-all project. By the time I’d make it back to the hotel room and get settled down it would be between eight and nine o’clock. Time to finish up a few….more emails….before….the FUCKING ALARM IS GOING OFF AGAIN!
Three weeks of that, with about 2 whole days off before I made it home. I missed my mom’s birthday, Bling’s birthday, and my own birthday (a few others are in there somewhere for good measure). I worked the weekend I got home and then my other friend and co-worker flew in to help write the report. Now it was time to compile all that information into a report. That report also had to include a strategy, design, and summary that the plants could utilize. I know far more about power plants than I ever wanted to.
We rented out a crappy little conference room at a hotel for $200.00 and held up in there for a week pulling more 10+ hour days to get the thing written. That weekend? Worked right through it, again. Then I flew off to Portland and spent a few days there before I got back home. Worked all day last Friday and finally took the weekend off. Oh, sure, I could have worked, but I really needed a break.
Somewhere in between I found time to get my bills paid, start on my income taxes, got some yard work done, worked on my website (we are almost in beta!), and almost get caught up on expenses.
For the most part, I simply have been too busy or too sick of the computer and writing stuff to work on the blog. I have to drag myself to my desk to get anything done right now. I’m completely burned out. But here it is. Here is something to read. Hope you enjoy it, you slave-driving bastards!
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