Thursday, February 05, 2009

Obama’s Empty Promises

Or maybe not promises. Maybe it’s just the usual shuck and jive from a politician. There has been a lot of talk about the proposed stimulus package. You may or may not be aware that in the House of Representatives the Republicans voted unanimously against it. Didn’t matter too much because the Democrats passed it anyway. In case you haven’t been keeping up, they control both the house and the senate and can do just about whatever they want. It will, however, be harder for them to pass it in the senate.

Republicans are generally against the package because it gives a lot of money to private enterprises and the tax cuts primarily benefit the poor – pretty much the people that don’t pay any taxes anyway. Here is Obama “spreading it around” for you. This is your money being taken away and given to the poor.

I’m not surprised at what is proposed in the package. The DNC has had a long history of supporting proposals and spending for socialist programs. These aren’t always a bad thing. The Republicans have a long history of voting against this type of thing. So what is the rub?

The rub is this – Obama promised to bring people together. He promised to work for bipartisanship. But he’s not really trying. Why do I say that? Because this bill isn’t even close to something Republicans would be willing to vote for. Did that matter? No. The DNC pushed it through the house, and they will try to do the same thing in the senate. Obama is well aware of this, yet he proposed no changes to the plan that might appease the Republican party.

Yesterday while at the gym there were several DNC politicians that accused primary party leaders of abusing their power and influence. These folks chose to remain anonymous (I don’t blame them) but basically said “…the house leader and other democratic party leaders told us to not read it and just vote for it.”

This bill is about as partisan as it gets. And I don’t see Obama doing squat to change it.

I also noticed that Obama is looking to pass the bill that would basically provide federally funded insurance to all children. This is an interesting bill. There are numerous reasons to pass it and there are numerous reasons to not pass it.

Part of the stimulus package is to provide insurance to people that are out of work. He claims its so that people who lost their jobs can still have insurance.

Both plans are great ideas in theory but they both give me pause for different reasons. How long does the insurance last? And, did the people have to have a job in the first place? Can someone not have had a job and still get the insurance?

Socialized plans to take care of people that fall through the cracks is not a bad idea. Plans to take care of children because their parents haven’t provided for them, or unable to provide for them, is not a bad idea. But unilaterally providing health insurance to anyone who chooses not to work is bullshit.

Obama said something to the effect that we are not a nation that leaves its people behind. That’s a good thought, but we aren’t the same country we were even just 30 years ago, much less 100 or 200 years ago. We aren’t the same country where people work hard to better themselves, and through that process better our country. We are now a country that expects to be taken care of, a country that wants what is coming to them because they are owed something, and a country that has a vast majority of people that simply to not want to work to better themselves or their country. Those are old ideals. They exist, but it’s blatantly obvious to anyone that these ideals are not shared amongst the majority of the population. And for those people, the ones that do not share these ideals, I don’t have empathy for them if they get left behind.

Folks – we must be careful here. Obama is ramming nationalized health-care down our throat. The DNC is taking “baby” steps to move us closer to socialism. And while it sounds like a grandiose plan….it…does….NOT…work.

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