Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fat Bastards Are About to be Outlawed!

It’s ironic, but all the time I try to tell people that if you let the government do it they will take away your rights. Surprisingly enough, most people either don’t believe it or choose to not do anything about it. Some of them even go so far as to encourage it provided that it supports their agenda.

Recently there has been a moratorium by the LA City Council in which they are banning any new fast food restaurants. Their reasoning? Poor people eat like shit and that they must save them from themselves by restricting their choices of food. Today they can’t go so far as to tell them they can’t eat that food. They just might have to go out of the city to find it.

The fast food restaurants countered by indicating that they have some healthy stuff on their menu and that it’s not where you eat, but what you eat. I agree.

Now, I completely agree it costs less money to eat like crap than to eat healthy. I have this problem all the time – especially being on the road. But the article also failed to mention that the majority of people in the LA area are either Hispanic or black and that both of these minorities have a cultural diet laden with fatty foods.

So let’s say you ban fast food from the area. Do you think a Whole Foods Market is going to go an area that is poor and can’t afford their products? Do you see a Del Friscos moving into a crime ridden and poor community? I don’t fucking think so, Tim.

Besides, as far as I am concerned if you want to be a Hamdog eating machine, sucking down cream soda while laying waste to an entire truck full of Oreos you should be able to do that.

But think about this….if “they” can make it illegal for fast food restaurants to do business we aren’t too far off from making it illegal, or fining / taxing you, for being a fat bastard.

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