Monday, March 31, 2008

More on Gun Control Bans

As the elections are heating up you may be hearing more about gun control and gun bans. Here is a video showing what is happening in England. They’ve been banning guns and it hasn’t been helping. Things have been getting worse.

…and I love the Brits. Clearly they are angry and not happy with the situation in U.K., but they remain calm and articulate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Brits will never have the guts to take back their rights. I lived among them for years, and the civilians are generally a bunch of spineless, tea sipping philosophers, content to debate the contrast of true freedom against the rights they've lost.

What true men that are born to them end up joining their military and are then shipped off to die in some meaningless foreign conflict. Their fighting men are tough and fearless. Too bad they're fighting the wrong enemy....