Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Hillary and The Crying Game?

By now you have probably heard or read that Hillary was sobbing on camera right before the next round of voting.

Now, I watched this and I wouldn’t exactly say she started bawling right there on camera. She got a little choked up is all.

The problem is I wouldn’t put it past her to make a very calculated move to help win the vote. This is the same woman that got a cat to make her look more compassionate. Whatever happened to Fluffy, anyway?

On the other hand, you would have to think it’s pretty weak of her to almost break down at this point in the campaign. When some people say that they don’t think the country is ready for a woman president due to them (women) being emotional, etc., I dismissed it as being sexist. Then, Hillary goes and pulls this crap. What is going to happen when there is something really extreme, or dramatic that happens? But something tells me it was far more of a calculated move than it was a truly emotional moment welling up inside of her.

So now we have one for Obama, and one for Hillary. I have some friends that really like Obama. I can’t say that I care for him too much. Mostly, though, I tend to agree with the folks that believe he just doesn’t have enough experience, yet. Hillary is frightening to me, but she has been in the game longer and has more experience. Obama is charismatic and well spoken, but I’m not sure he’s ready to be president, yet.

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