Wednesday, September 12, 2007

INS Crawls up Guys Ass!

A friend of mine does fairly consistent contract work with a guy that we’ll call “Festus” for lack of a better name. Well Festus has been hiring illegal aliens for years as crews for the jobs he does. Sure, he gets paperwork on them so he can feign innocents, but he knew they were illegal aliens.

Festus also supports allowing more open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens. It’s all an effort to keep his costs low so that he can put more money in his pockets. He’s the same kind of person that complains about rising costs, taxes, etc.

Not too long ago, Festus had his crew working at a government in the Metroplex. Well, one day the feds came and hauled off Festus’s van, with his tools and Mexicans in it. All but one of the Mexicans didn’t come back as they were illegal.

Needless to say the IRS and Feds were all over him demanding records, tax records, etc. He wasn’t very happy about it, but it looked like it was finally over.

Just recently, the INS has started crawling up his ass and investigating him, too! Well, I say screw him!!! I hope they give him such a hard time that he never thinks about hiring another illegal alien again!

It’s amazing to me that the same people who favor this complain when their world is negatively impacted by having so many people flood into the country.

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