Friday, August 17, 2007


FUCK! I am kind of pissed off right now. I am VERY stressed out from work. I am getting a whole whopping ONE day off from the 6th up until the 31st. Out of all that time I am going to be out of town predominantly the whole time.

Let's also pile up all my regular work, plus the extra stuff I am trying to take care of. Then consider that ALL of my professional certifications expire at the end of the month. I told work about this MONTHS ago and requested extra time to study. I was allocated TWO fucking days, and they are passing and I have barely gotten anything done because I can't get ONE hour to myself without being interrupted.

But, that doesn't matter because I only ONE free day to take the exam anyway, and if I don't pass I have to wait a week to re-take it..... but due to the only day available, if I don't pass then I am history because my certs expire before I can re-take. Nice, huh?

I also have to still get ready to fly out of town tomorrow, I have a client that is having severe problems and keeps bugging the shit out of me, the guy there barely 'spaks' English, and I am supposed to be meeting up with friend tonight, but i can't do that, yet, because I can't get in the goddamn shower to clean up!

And Bling! and I may be cancelling our trip to the Dragon because of the LEO's being a bunch of cocksuckers

So, I am REALLY not in a good mood at the moment and there are so many other things I wanted to write about on here but I just haven't had the time.

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