Thursday, July 19, 2007

Live Earth Flop?

Well I am sure it wasn't a flop. I'm sure those folks made plenty of money!!!!

I'm constantly amazed by how many people have no real clue about what is going on in the global warming debates and wars. Those people that just accept, as fact, that we are destroying our planet and it's OUR fault.

Let's get something straight - the earth existed for a loooooong, long, long, time before "man" ever came along. If we had a nuclear holocaust and destroyed every living thing on the planet (with the exception of some very hardy insects), the earth would survive and thrive millions of years later - just without man. So, even if we were as bad as the alarmists say we are the only thing we are truly hurting is ourselves.

So my friend, Phil, forwarded me this link to the Live Earth thingie and there is a voting poll on the right of the web page. Here are the results, which I found to be quite humorous:

Which of the following best characterizes your feelings about the Live Earth event?

It was an awesome, inspiring display of unity by some of the world’s top artists
It was a great weekend of music by an all-star lineup
It was a self-serving publicity stunt for climate alarmists and their entertainment industry friends
I didn’t follow the event

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