Friday, June 15, 2007

I Can Fix Him!

A friend of mine has been going out with this total jerk of a guy for about 8 or 9 months, now. He moved into her house, has paid no rent, bought no groceries, or helped out in any other way, shape or form.

Originally, he was kicked out of the place he was living and he didn’t have any place else to go so she let him stay there until he could save up some cash and get a new place. That’s a very nice thing for her to do for someone. But this guy never saved his money. He’d go out and blow it on trips, and buying other girls clothes and stuff like that.
Did she kick him out? No.

And of course over this time they became “romantically” involved. Now my friend will contest that they were never together, but what else do you call it when you are living together and getting upset because the other person is telling you one thing and then sneaking off to be with other women? I’d say that while you may say you are not “officially” together you are obviously in a relationship of sorts. So this guy treats her like crap, goes out with other women (blatantly) and then gets possessive when she might be going out with someone else.

I recall several occasions where she called me up and was upset over the situation. If you have read my blog for any length of time you can probably guess my response was to throw his bum ass out on the street. “But he doesn’t have any money or any place to go.” So? Kick his fucking ass out!!!
This is called enablement. People (this guy) can’t be the way that they are unless someone enables them to do so. When you see the fat bastards that can’t fit through a doorway you should wonder how they got so big if they can’t fit through the doorway to get to the refrigerator and the bucket of KFC glowing like the 10 Commandments inside the Ark of the Covenant. They had an enabler. Someone brought them the five buckets of KFC that it took to maintain their figure. My friend was the enabler. The guy never had to be financially responsible, or morally, or socially responsible because she wouldn’t do anything about it.

But, I think, FINALLY she is over this guy. She met someone new and I couldn’t be happier for her. She deserves to have someone treat her good and with respect. So we were talking about this and I am really trying to bite my tongue. Then she says “I don’t know….I guess I let it go on for so long because I thought I could change him.” I swear I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle her. I couldn’t believe she just gave me one of the most classic reasons a chick lets a guy treat her like dirt and why they seem to like it.

I have begun to think that if that’s how women think then they deserve what they get.


Anonymous said...

I'm starting to realize that there's a certain amount of "I can fix HER" that happens, too.

Anonymous said...

lol B you know what? as pathetic as this may sound, having an asshole around is better than having nobody around, There is no hope for me.....

-bRad said...

I dissagree with you there, because I am the one you call and complain to all the time. You seemed much happier when he wasn't around. And I'm not sure about the hope thing, either. You STILL are letting him screw up your life.