Thursday, May 31, 2007


ALL OF EM! I am so pissed off at the way our government is being run. What happened to a representation of the people? What happened to voting on issues based on the people's desires? Many people think we have a democracy here, but we don't. Not a TRUE democracy. Your vote doesn't really count as ultimately it's your representative's vote that counts.

What's pissing me off is that the goddamned representatives aren't doing what the constituents want. NOBODY I know wants this amnesty bill to pass except the illegal aliens, Bush and Kennedy. The consensus I have been finding is that over 86% of the voting population is against this and they are STILL pushing it through.

My own senators from the great state of Texas are now turning against "us" and working to ratify the bill.

I can recount multiple times in the last few years that there were big issues at local, state, and federal levels that the majority of the population wanted (or didn't want) something to happen and the goddmaned politicians did it anyway.

It just seems that there is something severely wrong with our system. One thing people have forgotten is that they don't control us. They work for US. We don't work for THEM. Our tax dollars pay their salaries. Representatives are employed by the citizens of this great country and it's time we started reminding them of this.


ricpic said...

The elites are divorced from the people. Once this happens the society is in deep doodoo. For most of our history the elites and the rest of us were in alignment. We were lucky. Now it's over. Failing a rebellion, which IMO ain't goona happen, we'll become like the rest of the world -- masters and slaves.

-bRad said...

I agree with you. What's unfortunate is that from an economic perspective the elitist democrats are trying to put more plans in place that actualy keep them in the elitist pool while causing the lower class to become even more dependent upon the government. Yet, most of these people don't see it that way and vote for them anyway.