Lately, I've been noticing that I am becoming closed minded when considering Global Warming information. It's not that I truly don't believe anything someone says about Global Warming, but the mass media and the IPCC are so full of flawed theories, misrepresentation and scare mongering that I just about dismiss anything they say outright.
Recently, Bling! forwarded an article to me that indicated that a "new" island has been discovered off the coast of Greenland. I was a bit confused by the writing, but it appeared as though the island was considered part of the mainland while there was a large ice-sheet. Now that the sheet has melted off, they have realized that there is an island there.
So let's examine some of the flaws in this. Why is Greenland named "Greenland" if it's an ice sheet? Well originally, when it was settled by Vikings and the Europeans "discovered" it Greenland was, in fact, green. It took a long time, but Greenland was slowly covered with ice. My friend was telling me of a whole squadron of WWII planes that ditched there and they found the planes under 200 feet of ice!! That was since WWII.
Now, some of this ice has melted off. Is that really a bad thing? That also means that the island is not new. It was obviously mapped and known long before the ice created a solid landmass that connected the two together.
Yet the article failed to mention any of this.
The article also was confusing in saying that because of the melting ice, the seas would rise and cover the land. Wait a minute.....didn't the ice just melt and show that there was new land? Wouldn't it take the opposite effect for the seas to rise and cover up the land? How does that work?
Then there were numerous other failures and inconsistencies in the completely failing to mention that some glaciers and ice sheets are growing. They also didn't mention what they meant by "rising sea levels." Truly rising sea levels, or land erosion that looks like rising sea levels? That's a hard thing to measure.
Basically, the article was a standard Global Warming scare mongering article. It made it very difficult to read because it was so biased and so loaded with mis-information that I almost dismissed it outright. But this is not new. And what if I had dismissed it outright? Would I even consider the consequences of the Greenland ice sheet melting? Maybe. Is that a bad thing? Probably.
Because when we get to the point that we cease to have rational and logical thought that is when things get really dangerous. Hence, why I think the whole Global Warming hysteria is a very dangerous thing.
But people are already there. Already, private and governmental groups are taking radical steps to stop this man-killing Global Warming. I bet right now you are thinking, "what kind of radical steps are they taking bRad?"
How about dumping 50 TONS of iron dust into the ocean? That's right, a private group is going to dump 50 TONS of iron dust into the ocean to encourage a particular type of plankton to grow. The theory is that the plankton will bloom and suck Co2 out of the air. Again, I stress theory because nobody knows for sure what will happen or the environmental impact this will have.
How about flooding the atmosphere with sulphates to drop the temperature? This is a "man made volcano effect." We know that when volcanoes erupt they dump tons of sulfates into the air and the temperature drops. So again, the theory is to dump this stuff into the air and cool the earth down.
Let me get this right - these IPCC / Global Warming freaks are warning us about a potential and virtually unmeasurable .5 degree increase in the atmosphere but they want to go and intentionally disrupt the environment and atmosphere by manipulating it (i.e. polluting it) in an effort to change the temperature by more than 1 degree? Does anyone else see how absurd this type of thinking is?
This is not the thought process of rational people. We don't even know, for sure, what will happen when they do this. We also don't know, for sure, what the long term effects of cooling the planet by a degree or so will have. Are you OK with this, because I am not!
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