Sunday, February 25, 2007

Airline Passenger Bill of Rights

First off, thanks to Bling! for sending me these links. Check them out, then come back!

This was my general response (in an email) to Bling!, but I thought it made sense to post it here, too. We all should be very careful when we ask the government to become involved in our private affiars. Any time we start to place restrictions and regulations on our lives it is very difficult, if not impossible, to have them removed.

Those are some interesting reads, mostly notable is the last link which outlines the "bill of rights."

The one thing I take issue with is that I am against federal involvement in private enterprise. The exception is when it involves public health / safety issues.

Have I been affected by almost everything listed in these links? The answer is yes. Do I think that the government should impose legislation that penalizes the airlines for it? I'm not sure. I'd say "no" with the exception of stranding passengers in unhealthy or unsafe conditions. Being "trapped" on an airplane for an unusual length of time certainly qualifies a condition as being potentially unsafe (water, food, being able to use the restroom, etc. are all compromised) and unhealthy (physical and psychological trauma).

But for all the other stuff, I think it should come down to free enterprise taking the reigns. Passengers will choose airlines with the best fairs, and best accommodations. It's why airlines like Southwest continue to do so well while some of the others flounder.

I think it's a tough call either way and I find myself on the fence for the most part. I can easily see the airlines losing millions of dollars if this legislation is passed. I also think that if the airlines are forced to abide by these regulations then their argument of an antiquated traffic control system is valid. I also think there should be some provisions in there for conditions that are beyond the airlines control. Weather, or the fact that ground control won't allow them to move should allow the airline to file grievance against the airport ground control as they will certainly have passengers filing grievances with them.

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